
Friday, March 5, 2010

2-1-1 is a critical service during the current economic downturn

2‐1‐1 is to personal economic emergencies what 911 is to police and fire emergencies. During the current economic crisis 2-1-1 has played an important role in assisting the newly unemployed and others in need. Here is a great summary provided by our friends at 2-1-1 Indiana:

What does 2-1-1 data show about the impact of the economy?
The newly unemployed, underemployed and anxious are creating a surge in calls to 2‐1‐1 around the country. Last year, 2‐1‐1 Centers across the nation answered more than 16 million calls and the majority of these individuals needed help with basic needs like food, utility, housing and healthcare.  2‐1‐1s are reporting that calls from these newly unemployed or newly underemployed are more complex, take more time and require additional explanation to navigate the complicated maze of services. In fact, in a January survey1, 86% of 2‐1‐1s across the country reported receiving more calls from callers who have never used 2‐1‐1 before. Furthermore, approximately 90% report received more calls from callers who have never before accessed any form of basic needs services (food pantries, rent assistance, utility assistance, public assistance benefits). For each of the possible referrals, the 2‐1‐1 Center maintains detailed information about the program location, hours, eligibility, intake process, and more. In the January study, 65% of 2‐1‐1 Centers reported that many human service programs are limiting eligibility, reducing hours, reducing services provided or otherwise making changes that overall reduce the availability of services in the community. In essence, needs have increased while resources are forced to cut back.


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